One of our engineer just received an email with your order request. The next step is to have you request the migration of your WordPress website to your new web server we're about to create for you.
If you're account executive has given you the "green light" to order the migration of your website, then simply click here to place your WordPress migration order.
If not, then hold off ordering your WordPress migration until we've had a chance to speak with you. We don't take chances. We want to make sure and discuss how your migration can affect your email, DNS, mySQL database, possible staging domain names and more. There is only one way to perform a successful website migration, and that's to not computer automate the process. Too many things can go wrong. Instead it takes good communication and a team of highly trained experts asking you the right questions - something we excel at.
An email with all the information you just read has been sent to you just in case you have better things to do than staring at a Thank You page. last thing... our company philosophy is to treat our customers the same way we'd like to be treated ourselves. So with that said, don't hesitate to call or email should have any questions.
Thanks again from your entire team at Google Cloud Platform and